Radolinscy Palace
The idea of renovating the Palace being the Radolińscy family was to preserve the valuable, original building from the mid-nineteenth century representing the style of English neo-Gothic architecture. This has been the first major renovation of the building facade since its construction.
Materaile Baumit
- SilikatColor
- RK 39 / Kalkputz Klima RK 39
- MultiFine RK 70 N
- SanovaMonoTrass / Sanova EinlagenTrassPutz
- Sanova SP Grey
- Sanova SP Grano
- ReCompact / PutzFestiger
- SV 61 / SanierVorspitz SV 61
- SG 68 / SanierGrundputz SG 68
- Multi MC 55 W / MC 55 W / MultiContact MC 55 W
- Stuccoco Mono / Stuccoco Mono SM 86
- Stuccoco Guss / Stuccoco Guss SG 87
- Stuccoco Grosso / Stuccoco Grobzug FG 88
Mai multe informatii
The idea of renovating the Palace being the Radolińscy family residence in Jarocin was to preserve the valuable, original building from the mid-nineteenth century representing the style of English neo-Gothic architecture. This has been the first major renovation of the building facade since its construction. Thanks to considerable resources and great diligence, the whole facade of the large building has been restored while maintaining the stylistic and technological rules for such a valuable monument.